Support is available to your business if you are impacted by the Adelaide lockdowns.
If your business is impacted by the July 2021 lockdowns in South Australia, a business support grant is available for those that experienced a decline in turnover. An additional grant is available to businesses operating from commercial premises in the Adelaide CBD.
July COVID-19 Business Support Grant
Grants of $3,000 for employing businesses and $1,000 for non-employing businesses are available to businesses that have experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more as a result of the lockdown from 20 July 2021.
To access the July COVID-19 Business Support Grant, at the start of the restrictions from Tuesday 20 July, you must:
- Be located within South Australia;
- Have an annual turnover of $75,000 or more in 2020-21 or 2019-20;
- Be registered for GST;
- Have a valid and active ABN;
- Be employed people in South Australia;
- Have Australia-wide payroll of less than $10 million in the 2019-20 financial year;
- Experienced at least a 30% reduction in turnover in the week of Tuesday 20 July 2021 to Monday 26 July 2021 compared to the prior week because of the restricted trading conditions.
In general, the concept of ‘current GST turnover’ is used to determine whether the business has suffered a decline in turnover of at least 30%. This turnover test includes proceeds from the sale of capital assets, GST free supplies such as exports, and supplies made between members of a GST group.
Supporting documents demonstrating your decline in turnover will not need to be lodged but will need to be kept for 2 years.
To be considered an employee, staff must be under the control of the business, receive regular PAYG salary or wages, and have PAYG Withholding amounts and superannuation paid by the employer. An owner, partner in a partnership, or beneficiary of a trust, is not considered to be an employee for the purpose of this grant.
Non-employing businesses are not eligible for funding if the individual is accessing COVID-19 Disaster Payment.
How to apply
Applications are made online through the RevenueSA online portal and close on 30 September 2021.
COVID-19 Additional Business Support Grant
An additional grant of $1,000 is available to businesses within key ANZSIC classes significantly impacted by the lockdowns with commercial premises in the Adelaide CBD.
To access the COVID-19 Additional Business Support Grant, at the start of the restrictions from Wednesday 28 July 2021, you must:
- Be located within South Australia;
- Operate the relevant business from a commercial premises located in the Adelaide CBD (5000 postcode);
- Have a valid and active ABN;
- Be registered for GST;
- Operate in an eligible industry sector identified in the list of eligible ANZSIC classes;
- Have Australia-wide payroll of less than $10 million in the 2019-20 financial year;
- Have experienced at least a 30% reduction in turnover as a result of the restricted trading conditions over the two weeks from 28 July 2021 to 10 August 2021 compared to average fortnightly turnover in the June quarter 2021.
How to apply
Applications are made online through the RevenueSA online portal and close on 17 October 2021.
Updated 17 August 2021