Support is available to your business is impacted by the COVID-19 lockdowns across Australia.
If your business is impacted by the lockdowns across Australia, there is support available to you through the Business Hardship grant.
Business Hardship grants
Grants of between $2,000 and $10,000 will be available to businesses that have suffered a 30% or more reduction in turnover as a direct result of lockdowns and border closures in other states as a result of a reduction in:
- The number of visitors; and/or
- The ability to provide, sell or import/export goods and services.
The level of funding is scaled according to your business’s annual turnover for the 2020-21 financial year or 2020 calendar year.
Grant | Eligibility |
$2,000 | · Sole traders or businesses that do not have any employees, or
· Employers with annual turnover between $50,000 to $100,000 |
$5,000 | · Employers with annual turnover of more than $100,000 to $1m |
$10,000 | · Employers with annual turnover of more than $1m to $10m |
To be eligible for the business hardship grant, you must:
- Be actively operating a Tasmanian business; and
- Have a minimum annual turnover* of $50,000; and
- Be registered in Australia for tax purposes; and
- Have a continuously active ABN since on or before 1 May 2021; and
- Be registered for the Check in TAS App (or registered at the time of submission); and
- Be able to demonstrate a direct impact from the lockdowns and border closures in other States and Territories from Saturday 26 June 2021; and
- Experienced a decline in turnover as a direct result of the lockdowns for the period Saturday 26 June 2021 to Friday 13 August 2021 compared with the period Saturday 8 May 2021 to Friday 25 June 2021.
Public companies are excluded from the hardship grants. Other exclusions apply to businesses that are not the main source of income for owner operators, not-for-profits unless the organisation is operating as a business and employs staff and/or selling goods and services that make up more than 30% of their income, any business trading insolvent, under external administration or bankruptcy, and investment entities (such as unit trusts and superannuation funds) including those which earn residential or commercial rent.
*Turnover is total sales (exclusive of GST), of goods and services to customers by the applicant. Annual turnover is for the 2020-21 financial year or 2020 calendar year.
How to apply
Applications are online via SmartyGrants and close on Thursday, 16 September 2021.
Supporting evidence will need to be supplied at the time of application which demonstrates at least a 30% decline in turnover such as financial information that:
- Has been produced by accounting software, middle office system or an accountant; or
- The business’s own records that must be retained and available for tax purposes; and
- That details income, and reversal of income e.g. cancellations, refunds where applicable.